How to Localize JDK for fa-IR


Atlassian is an Australlian corporation which has some cool products like JIRA, Confluence, Fish Eye, Green Hopper, JIRA Studio and etc. For last 5 years I’m using Jira as an Issue Tracker and I’m really content with it. Attlasian helps Open Source and Free Software and give its software free to the open community. They also help some charities and let their customer help charities by their hand. Actually they pay total price of Standard verions of their products to charity so thatif you buy one, you help charity too. Because of all these good things and these useful application I decided to localize Jira totaly free a year ago.

I was trying to localize Atlassian JIRA because it is really a good issue tracker system. I had started translating it to Persian a year ago. After a while I contacted to JIRA team to include my resource file into JIRA and make it available for the next possible version. It took a month that I get a wondering answer from JIRA team.

Hi Nasser,

There is a problem with Persian (fa_IR), it is not supported by JDK. There is no support for the fa_IR locale.

Do we have the wrong locale? It sounds like we may.

Alternatively, if the locale is correct we will have to postpone the implementation. There are two solutions we can explore, but neither in the short term:

 try to force java to support fa_IR

 refactor TAC so having locale is optional

Thank you Nasser, I appreciate your patience,


I really amazed that JDK doesn’t support fa-IR locale! I’m not a Java man, but if a java geek is reading this, I kindly ask him do a favor to Iranian people. Start localizing JDK for Persian. To start you can go to this page and follow the manual to add Persian to JDK.

I use this blog to thanks Jira team, You guys really rock. I wish you keep on your nice job.